

Auas Valley Shopping Mall donates to Hope Village

e66 iwaAgra’s corporate social initiatives are geared towards the upliftment of Namibian communities, and as part of giving back, the Auas Valley Shopping Mall, part of Agra’s property portfolio, donated food and basic necessities to the amount of N$ 10 000 to the Hope Village.

The money donated to the Hope Village was raised from the Clausthaler Auas Valley Beer Pong Tournament which was held at the Auas Valley Late Night shopping event, on Thursday, the 28th of March 2019. Various corporate teams participated in the competition, namely, Safari Den, Agra Properties, Kosmos, African Marketing, Bank Windhoek, Image Print, Harley Davidson, Hartlief, SCE Consulting Engineers, Indongo Toyota, Beer Pressure and Kesa Media.

I Hope Village gives loving, caring homes for abandoned and orphaned, vulnerable children infected and/or affected with HIV/Aids. Marietjie de Klerk, Founder of the Hope Village, expressed what the donation meant to the Hope Village:  “Whilst our walls and love give comfort and assurances to children under our care, your donation goes a long way in ensuring these children sleep with a full stomach and play with enthusiasm from the energy of a meal you provided. They will attend school with happy faces, clean uniforms and play with tinkling hearts. It is greatly appreciated.”