

Auas Valley shopping mall supports primary schools

e66 iwaThe Auas Valley Shopping Mall hosted a kids art competition, where primary schools closest to the mall were offered an opportunity to employ their artistic talent and creativity, standing a chance to win project support for their school with a combined value of N$11,000. Suiderhof Primary School, Kleine Professor College, Windhoek Gymnasium Private School and Pionierspark Primary School were invited to participate and tasked to paint pre-cut eggs of different sizes that were used as décor in the mall during the Easter season.

The winning schools were announced during the Auas Valley shopping mall’s Late Night Shopping which took place on Thursday, 17 March. Kleine Professor College won the first prize, earning the school project support to the value of N$5,000 followed by Pionierspark Primary who won N$3,000; Windhoek Gymnasium Private School came third and received N$2,000 while Suiderhof Primary School collectedN$1,000 of project support.

Pupils of the participating schools, their parents and teachers, attended the prize handover, and joined clients who were enjoying the luxury of shopping at Auas Valley until 21h00. The Auas Valley Shopping Mall has, since its upgrade and expansion, become a popular shopping destination with the majority of the retailers being unique Namibian businesses. The mall is spacious, with a very personal touch, while traffic flow around the mall is easy and parking is free, adding to shopping pleasure and convenience.